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By October 28, 2019 No Comments

Massachusetts’ Baker-Polito Administration recently announced their intention on becoming the first state in the nation to require residential energy scores. The ‘scorecards’ would be made available to potential homebuyers after January 1, 2021 for any 1 to 4 unit homes publicly listed for sale in the state.

Fraunhofer CSE is hosting a Grid Modernization speaker series, with its second event entitled “Driving Energy Efficiency through Residential Scorecards,” taking place on June 12, 2018, from 4:00 to 6:00pm at 5 Channel Center Street in Boston.

The event kicks off with a presentation by Hans Erhorn, Head of the Department of Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (Fraunhofer IBP) in Stuttgart, Germany. Mr. Erhorn worked on the addition of ‘energy performance certificates’ in 2007 to the existing German ‘Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV)’ implemented in 2002. He currently works with the European Union to develop the next generation of Energy Passes (Cards) for residential and commercial buildings.

After the presentation, an in-depth panel discussion will follow. Panelists will include energy scorecards authorities from federal, state, municipal, and leading non-profit organizations.

The topics we want to discuss are:

  • What challenges and concerns have been raised about home energy scorecards at the city and state level in the U.S.?
  • What has been the German experience with energy score cards? What are the major lessons learned?
  • How can lessons learned in the U.S. and Germany be applied to help make the Massachusetts initiative successful?

Featured speaker:

  • Hans Erhorn, Head of Department of Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (Fraunhofer IBP), Stuttgart, Germany


  • Alison Brizius, Director of Climate and Environmental Planning at the City of Boston
  • Ian Finlayson, Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency Division of Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
  • Joan Glickman, Acting Program Manager of Residential Buildings Integration at the U.S. Department of Energy
  • Carolyn Sarno Goldthwaite, Director of Buildings & Community Solutions at Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships