The Boston Area Sustainaiblity Group (BASG) is about bringing sustainability-minded professionals to share, learn, make new connections, and further the work of sustainability. BASG holds monthly meetings to explore important topics in sustainability. We’re young and old from varying realms of sustainability -public, private, non-profit and academia. The very diversity of our group is one of our strengths. You can join our online discussion at
Join the March event, BASG March 1: Carbon Realities. Learn more by clicking here.
Like it or not, carbon plays a big role in our lives. Carbon also plays a major role in causing climate change and, one could say, is underpriced. For now, anyway. Few, if any of us, are paying for the hidden costs of climate change that are resulting from carbon emissions. We are dedicating our event on March to talking about how we can be more effective in accounting for the impact of carbon emissions on our world and our futures.
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