Join your fellow Bostonians from neighborhoods across the city for an interactive conversation with the Boston Transportation Department to shape our transportation system for 2030.
Date: Thursday, November 19
Time: 6:00 to 8:30 pm
Neighborhood: Roslindale
Location: Roslindale Community Center (6 Cummins Hwy)
The Idea Roundtables are designed to gather transportation project and policy ideas that would most affect our lives. By donating your ideas, you will contribute to planning a transportation future that works for everyone.
Go Boston 2030 is a City of Boston initiative to envision a bold transportation future for the city. The Action Plan will have transformative polices and projects generated by an inclusive public engagement process. We have used your voices and data analysis to develop a Vision Framework report with goals and targets. Now we are developing the Action Plan to improve walking, transit, cycling, and driving.
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