On June 27th, Boston Harbor Now will bring architects, designers, and engineers together to discuss how building and design play into citywide climate preparedness in Boston at the Climate Resilient Boston event.
The effects of climate change will alter the face of our waterfront, and it will touch everything in Boston – from our streets, to our structures, to our public services. That’s why it is so important to take climate change into account when planning for our city’s future.
Through initiatives like Climate Ready Boston, Imagine Boston 2030, and Go Boston 2030, the City and community members are working to prepare our neighborhoods, businesses, and transportation systems for sea level rise, coastal storms, extreme temperatures, and extreme precipitation. One thing that cuts across all of these areas is architecture and design. It is vitally important that our buildings have the physical integrity to withstand all these changes.
Boston Harbor Now (BHN) is a nonprofit organization that maximizes recreational, cultural, and social opportunities in Boston, and fosters mixed economic development that will be a model for climate change resiliency. Next week, BHN will bring architects, designers, and engineers together to discuss how building and design play into citywide climate preparedness in Boston at the Climate Resilient Boston event.
Leaders in the field will give presentations on the Climate Ready Boston and 100 Resilient Cities initiatives, and how crucial architecture and design are to their success. There will also be a focused participatory session with the organizers of the Boston Living with Water Competition. This is a great opportunity to share and learn ideas on addressing sea level rise and extreme weather while improving social equity and other community goals.
The event is co-Sponsored by Boston Harbor Now, the BSA Foundation (Boston Society of Architects), the Urban Land Institute, the City of Boston’s Chief Resilience Officer in partnership with Climate Ready Boston, Enterprise Community Partners, and the Boston Society of Landscape Architects.
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