Climate ChangeGreenovateRenew BostonVolunteer


By October 19, 2019 No Comments

Greenovate Neighborhoods is a program of Greenovate Boston to connect and collaborate with local neighborhood, community, and resident organizations to implement the City’s Climate Action Plan. The Neighborhoods network helps to support and expand Boston’s climate action community, and identifies opportunities for Bostonians to get involved in taking climate action.

On Wednesday, June 14th, Greenovate Boston held the first Meet & Greet to build Boston’s neighborhood climate action network by making sure Greenovators know about Boston’s community climate action groups.

Creating a connected climate action network was a priority identified in Boston’s last Climate Action Plan — a plan that was created in partnership with community stakeholders. This event helped to strengthen neighborhood climate action partnerships, and facilitate a stronger movement to “greenovate” Boston. It allowed residents to learn about neighborhood groups the City regularly collaborates with to help to implement the Climate Action Plan, and the best way to get involved with those groups.